Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bachelorette Party Painting

"Party hard, make mistakes, laugh endlessly.  Do things you are afraid to do.  After all, you are only young once." -Author Unknown

Last night was by friend, N's, bachelorette party! N. lived with me in college so it was nice to see her and catch up.  Her maid-of-honor found this really cool painting bar for us to go to where they walk through step by step to make a painting or they have mini-paintings where you get a little canvas and can paint whatever you want.  Now, I am not much of a painter, as I haven't probably painted this way since elementary school, so I was a little nervous about painting.  They really do walk you through the process and come around to you at each step of the way to make sure you go home with a painting you like.  (Though, I do know there is lots of room for improvement on my painting).  It was fun, relaxing, and pretty easy to follow along.  I even managed to not get paint on my dress clothes.  Yay for smocks!  

Here's the website so you can check it out:

I would recommend it, even if (like me) you are not a painter!   The cool thing was how every single painting in the place was different, even though we were all working off the same idea.  

I know, not related to books at all.  However you could pick to go to a night that matched a story you were reading.  

Here are some pictures from the process:

Barely Started

Our Branches

Final Touch-Ups

Finished Project

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