Monday, June 2, 2014

Maddie's Fingerless Gloves: Code Name Verity

"It's like being in love, discovering your best friend." -Elizabeth Wein, Code Name Verity

The most recent book club selection was Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.  This book was about a friendship that developed during WWII between two females, one an ATA pilot and one a spy.  Although this story was hard for me to initially get into, by the end I could not put the book down.  One of the things mentioned in the book was the fact that Maddie wished she had her fingerless gloves with her. 

At the end of the book the author gave a link to the pattern that Maddie mentioned for the fingerless gloves.  Unfortunately, the link was dead, but I was able to find pictures of the gloves.

The Pattern Book Maddie Mentions

Maddie's Gloves

Since I couldn't use the actual pattern for Maddie's gloves, I decided to try to look on YouTube for a crocheting pattern.  This pattern came from the YouTube channel SimplyHookedCrochet. I decided to make my gloves using two different colors of yarn to represent the two different friends in this story. Also, my pattern was almost double of the circumference the pattern recommended.   I stretched them out on wine bottles afterwards to make them easier to get on.  Alas, no finger covers for these gloves.

The WWII propaganda lunch box was purchased at the EAA museum. It helps add to the theme. 

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