Saturday, August 23, 2014

Free Dobby Laundry Room Sign

"Dobby has got a sock," said Dobby in disbelief.  "Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, and Dobby...Dobby is free." -J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

My washer and dryer came yesterday, so in celebration I decided I needed to make myself a Free Dobby sign to hang in my laundry room for my single socks.  It is simple and adds a bit of book flair to the laundry room.

  • Wooden Sign
  • Five Clothes Pins
  • White Paint
  • Black Paint
  • Black Puff Paint
  • Printed Hogwarts Crest
  • Scissors
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Wire
  • Wire Cutters
  • Hot Glue Gun

  1. Paint the wooden sign white. Let dry.
  2. While the sign is drying, paint the clothes pins black. Let dry.
  3. Using the puff paint write Free Dobby on the sign.
  4. Cut out the Hogwarts crest and use Mod Podge to apply it to the sign.
  5. Hot glue the clothes pins onto the wooden sign.
  6. Cut a piece of wire long enough to use for hanging the sign.  Hot glue this onto the back center of the sign.
Now, I think it might be time to do laundry.

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