Friday, October 10, 2014

Comic Book Purse

"Don't treat your heart like an action figure wrapped in plastic and never used.  And don't try to give me that nerd argument that your heart is a 'Batman' with a limited-edition baterang and therefore if it stays in its original packaging it increases in value." -Amy Poehler

I loved my comic book coin purse, but I am horrible at using coin purses.  I decided to make a bigger version of the comic book coin purse and add a strap to create my very own comic book purse.  My favorite heroes are all on it: Wasp, Wolverine, Ant-Man, Prof. X, Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, and even Quicksilver makes an appearance.

  • Comic Books
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Needles (large head and regular head)
  • Embroidery Floss
  • Thread
  • Zipper
  • Felt
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Follow the directions from the coin purse tutorial, but instead of twenty links long make the chain forty links long. This will take 270 comic book page rectangles.  There will be a total of six chains instead of three.  Attach the chains together and sew the bottom of the purse together as the tutorial shows.
  • Make a separate chain of thirty links for the handle and attach that to the purse base.
  • Measure out a piece of felt that would fit as a pouch inside the purse.  Complete and attach the inside pouch the same way as the coin purse tutorial.
  • Mod Podge the entire outside of the coin purse and the handle to preserve the paper.  Let dry. 
My purse (and actually reading comics) will have to make do until the next Avenger's movie comes out in May.

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