Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May is Here!

"The world's favorite season is the spring.  All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

May is finally here!  That means summer is right around the corner.  I am ready for all the activities and adventures that spring and summer bring.  Starting this weekend my schedule has gotten busy!  

Let's talk May 4th, because it is a busy day for me.  First one of my friends is getting married on that day. Congratulations N&B!!  Also, for you Star Wars fans- May the 4th be with you.  I might have made some R2D2 earrings to celebrate.  I will post them later (I seem to have lost my cord to connect my camera to the computer).  Also, May 4th is free comic book day at participating stores.  Check it out:   Mother's Day is coming up too!

Farmers markets are starting, craft fairs are being held, and picnics are being had.  Enjoy it!

If your mother is anything like mine, then she is a Pac Man fan.  Make her a frame about this game in no time.

-Photo Frame (try to get a black one)
-Red, blue, green, black, yellow, and white paint
- Paint brushes

1. If the frame is not already black paint the frame black and let dry.
2. Paint out line of two ghosts on the frame (one in red and one in blue).
3. Paint a Pac Man on the frame.
4. Paint two red circles for cherries on the frame. 
5. Using the back side of the paint brush paint the small white dots around the frame.
6. Paint the large white dot on the frame.
7. Add details of the eyes to the ghosts and stems to the cherries.
8. Add a bow if you want a Ms. Pac Man otherwise just add your photo.

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