Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ministry of Silly Clocks

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm afriad my walk has rather sillier recently." -John Cleese, Monty Python's Flying Circus

Today just feels like a Monty Python kind of day.  If you have not seen The Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, you should do that right now. Stop reading and watch!  

I found the idea for a silly walks clock while browsing pinterest. This is the original link to the clock.  For my clock I used some different material, but I still like the outcome.

  • Wooden clock base
  • Long stem clock kit (I picked mine up from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft)
  • Black sharpie
  • Modge podge
  • Tape
  • Puff Paint
  • Laminating paper of some kind
  • Paint Brush
  • Scissors
  1. Print out the image from the original posting.
  2. Cut image out
  3. Attach the back part of the clock.
  4. Modge podge John Cleese's body to the clock frame with his head pointing towards the 12 o'clock position. Make sure to modge podge the whole clock base for a finished look.
  5. Laminate the legs and cut out.
  6. Tape the legs onto the hands on the clock. 
  7. Finish putting the clock together. 
  8. With the black sharpie color any pieces of the clock black to match the image.
  9. Add the hour markers by adding black dots along the outside of the clock.
Simple, easy, and silly!

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