Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Aviator's Wife Inspired Wall Art

"And this was the greatest gift that aviation could ever give me; not the sense of freedom but the sense of permanence, coupling, being absolutely worthy, absolutely necessary to the one person in the world who hadn't needed anyone. Before." -The Aviator's Wife, Melanie Benjamin

I have love flying since the first time I was in an airplane.  And flying a plane, well there is nothing like it.  That is why I chose The Aviator's Wife for book club, so again feel what is was like to fly.  The Aviator's Wife tells the story of Anne Morrow Lindbergh and her marriage to her famous husband.  Most people know bits and pieces of their story but this piece of historical fiction ties the information together into a fantastic work of art.

To celebrate Anne Morrow and the love of aviation, I made wall hanging (which also fit my Valentine's Day decor).

  • Biographical Dictionary
  • Picture Frame
  • Pencil
  • Black Permanent Marker
  • Red Permanent Marker
  1. Find a page in the dictionary that matches the picture you want to make.  I chose my page to be Charles and Anne Lindbergh (imagine that!).
  2. If needed sketch (or print) the desired image onto the page.
  3. Go over the image in black permanent marker.
  4. Add hearts (or color) using the colored permanent marker.
  5. Frame the creation.
If you look closely enough you can see I put Anne's name in a heart.

I was also inspired to do one based on the movie UP! Still aviation based, right?

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