Monday, April 22, 2013

Piranha Plant Earrings

"Life is a game, kid!  It all depends on how you play!"- Mario

Now, I have never been much of a gamer.  I tend to kill myself off in the first level.  However, Dr. Mario and Mario Kart are two games that I will play.  I do love the video game motif though.  Good thing I have friends that are gamers!  I made these earrings a few weeks ago along with some chomp chain ones (to come later!).  They are fun and cute!

Light Green Polymer Clay
Dark Green Polymer Clay
Red Polymer Clay
White Polymer Clay
Straight Edge Clay Tool

1. Form two cylinders out of the dark green clay.  Form a lip around the cylinders to create the tube. 
2. Form two thin cylinders out of the light green clay.  Attach to the cylinders to form the stem.  Attach two leaves to each stem.
3. Form two red balls out of clay.  Use the straight edge tool to cut a slice in the balls and open them up to form pac-man looking red clay pieces. 
4. Form a thin white tube of clay and use that to form the lips of the plants.  Create small white clay balls and flatten them onto the plants.  Attach small teeth like shapes to the lips if desired.
5. Attach plant head to plant stem.
6.  Attach earring to inside of the plant head.  I used fish hooks, but flat pads would work too.
7. Bake as directed on the clay packages.  Careful not to overheat.  (You can see my earrings are flaking because I over baked the clay).

If you are looking for a Mario inspired read, or looking for a gift for your gamer, I suggest Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America by Jeff Ryan.  It is a behind the scenes look at Nintendo and how Mario brought the Japanese company into America's main stream.  Happy Reading!

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