Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Clash of Kings" mini-throne

"A woman's life is nine parts mess to one part magic, you'll learn that soon enough... and the parts that look like magic turn out to be the messiest of all." -George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

I finished A Clash of Kings at least a month ago, but hadn't made a craft for it until now.  This throne is an often find I found while searching the internet.  The original post was made for a phone, but I wanted to make mine a bit bigger to serve dip in for Halloween.  Check out the original post to see the idea, or follow along with my tutorial to make one for yourself.

The Iron Throne

  • Foam block
  • 2-3 packs of cocktail swords
  • Hot glue
  • Cardboard
  • Knife
  • Scissors
  • Dark silver spray paint
  • Rocks or something to weigh down the front.
  1. Start by cutting the foam block in half, and carve out a square from the inside of the foam.
  2. Cut out a back for the chair, and hot glue that on top of the back part of the carved out foam block.  That completes the base of the throne.
  3. Cut out strips of card board and glue and fold to create the swords on the lower part of the throne.
  4. Glue/stick cocktail swords to the top of the throne and the front of the throne.  
  5. Glue lots of swords to the back of the throne.
    Back of Throne
  6. Use any left over swords to decorate the sides and the front of the bottom part of the throne.  I only had two packs of swords and ran out, so I drew a sword or two onto the sides using the hot glue gun.
    Pre-Painted Throne
  7. Spray paint the throne and let dry.
  8. If your throne will not balance because the back is to heavy, add rocks or some other item to counter weight.  Just tuck them right into the foam.

It is a fairly easy craft that ends up looking impressive!  I think this is how I am going to give out those plastic rings (along with candy) to the trick-or-treaters. More swords would have made it even more awesome.

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