Monday, December 1, 2014

T-Shirt produce bag

"Trash: there are no rugs left to sweep it under." -Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

With the Holiday season upon us, I thought it was a nice time to reflect on our own practices for just a moment.  I think often times we will recycle, and you see me reuse on my blog often, but what about reducing. This time of year we often time do not consider the waste that occurs be it from wrapping paper (which can be reused), the huge feasts, or even the crazy amount of packaging wasted on a single toy.  One thing I need to become better at is reducing the number of grocery bags I use.  I own canvas bags, but should truly be better about using them.  The one thing I hadn't done until I made this craft was use a reusable produce bag.  This makes sense to use for my produce and a few of these bags might just come in handy.


  • Old T-shirt
  • Scissors
  • Sewing Machine with thread that matches the shirt.
  1. Cut the shirt into a rectangle. Cut the side towards the bottom of the shirt so that the two corners are curved. This should result in two pieces.
  2. Sew the two pieces together, leaving an opening on the edge with a straight side.
  3. Cut a big slit in the shirt towards the top about 6 inches long, and an inch in from the straight edge.  This should run parallel with the straight edge.
  4. Move down about 4 inches and start cutting two inch strips, leaving two inches in between in rows parallel to the straight edge.  I recommend using a piece of chalk and drawing the parallel lines on the shirt and them making the cuts in a check board fashion altering which section is open in the row. 
  5. Wash and enjoy your produce bag.

Again this year I am going to try and post a different craft each day counting down to Christmas!  As part of promoting reducing during this time of year, I am going to try and post as many crafts as I can that I have already made or are made from recycled products.  In some cases, both!  Most of these crafts could make good Christmas presents so keep watching for the posts.  

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