Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy President's Day

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count.  It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln

On president's day we celebrate the great leaders of this country.  Many books have been written about Abraham Lincoln.  The most recent one I read was Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame Smith.  While it is a fun read, Seth Grahame Smith, did his research.  This book is jammed packed with history, if you can weed out the vampire parts.  As (quite possibly) the historical figure I talk about the most, a Honest Abe shirt will make any President's Day awesome!

I got the pattern for this shirt from Dana  over at MADE.

I didn't have all the materials that her design called for, but what I had ended up working.  

-Stencil from MADE
-Full page label
-Red puff paint
-Foam Paint Brush

1. Print off stencil onto full page label.
2. Cut out the stencil and save pieces that go on the inside.
3. Peel of back of label pieces and center on the t-shirt.
4. Squirt red puff paint onto the stencils.  Brush the paint to cover the stencil pattern.
5. Let dry.
6. Remove the stencil and peel off all excess label.  
7. If you want, add drips off the bottom of the presidents shirt to add to the vampire hunter effect.

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