Monday, February 11, 2013

Reflections on a Dog's Life

“…what is worse, smelling the roast and not feasting, or not smelling the roast at all?”-The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

Who would have thought that a story told through the eyes of a dog would be so insightful? Last month, my book club read “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein.  This book is about the life of Enzo, the dog, and his family’s story.  One of the main points of discussion at our book club meeting was about the meaning of the zebra.  Garth Stein will not reveal what the zebra means, however, the zebra does have importance in the story as he appears multiple times.   A poster I found on the “Quote Factory” inspired me to make a mirror with Enzo’s quote “Somewhere the zebra is dancing” on it.  

Page Size Labels
Glass Etching Cream
Paint Brush

1.       Print the quote on a page sized label.  I used 80 sized bold faced font. 
2.       Cut out the letters from the label.  This will form the stencil. Save the insides of the letters like “o” to be used later.
3.       Peel off the backing from the stencil (or stencil parts) and lay it on the mirror.  Rub the stencil so that it lays flat on the mirror and that the etching cream will not go between the stencil and the mirror. 
4.       Peel off the insides of the letters and place them in the letters they belong to.
5.       Use a paint brush to brush a substantial amount of glass etching cream onto the open letters as to fully cover each letter.
6.       Follow directions on the etching cream as to how long it must set before being removed.
7.       Use the paint brush to remove the etching cream under water in the sink and the stencil should start to remove itself from the mirror.
8.       Once all etching cream is removed and the stencil is removed from the mirror, take a cloth to dry the mirror and remove any excess materials that might still be on it.

“Somewhere the zebra is dancing”, but hopefully not on my crafting supplies. 

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