Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Magazine Rolled Paper Bowl

"If we can't reuse or recycle it, we shouldn't be making it." -Paul and Ellen Connett, "Priorities for a Movement"

A few months ago I made a waste basket out of magazines.  This uses the same idea, but I found a way to make my rolls and base more sturdy.  To make the rolls more sturdy start at a corner of the magazine page and start rolling tightly and diagonally.  Glue off the end to create a tube. This should look something like a long straw when completed.  Then flatten the tube to create a sturdy strip to work with.  One of these strips should be enough to roll up and glue off to create one roll.  To make the base, keep wrapping strips around until you get the size of the base you need.  To make the bowl shape I hot glued the rolls to the base (like seen in the waste basket post) and used a plastic bowl as my form.

As long as you don't over fill it, it makes a great candy dish or just a fun centerpiece.

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