Friday, July 11, 2014

Plastic Bottle Boats

"Here, Fridays were dedicated to the two Bs- Beach and Boats." -Laura Miller, Butterfly Weeds

Nothing is better than a Friday at the beach. However sometimes waiting to go to the beach can seem like forever.  If you are looking for something to keep the kids entertained as you are getting ready for the beach, here is a great project that you can race once you get to the beach. A huge thanks to my little cousins for making these with me!

  • Plastic Bottle
  • Duct Tape
  • Plastic Bag
  • Straw
  • Permanent Markers
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Rocks

1. Cut a hole in the the bottle to create a cockpit (hole in the middle of the boat where people or legs go) to the boat. 
2. Use duct tape to create a keel (the thing at the bottom on the boat) and attach it below the cockpit.
3. Using duct tape attach the straw to create the mast (the thing the sail will be attached to).
4. Cut out a sail from the plastic bag.  Attach the sail to the mast using the duct tape.
5. Attach any string or additional plastic bags as wanted. 
6. Use permanent markers to decorate the boat.
7.  Add rocks to the bottom of the boat to stabilize it while on the water.

The boats do best with low to no waves and a handful of rocks.

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