Thursday, November 21, 2013

Nightlock Earrings and Arrow Necklace

"It must be very fragile, if a handful of berries can bring it down." -Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire

Nightlock and arrows play an important role in The Hunger Games series.  In order to celebrate the new movie coming out, I decided to make earrings and a necklace out of these items.

Nightlock Earrings


  • Dark blue polymer clay
  • Dark green polymer clay
  • Tooth pick
  • Earring back
  • E6000
  1. Make three leafs out of green polymer clay.  Draw veins onto them and cluster in a group of three.
  2. Roll out three circles of blue clay. 
  3. Roll out three strands of blue clay, form into open circles, and attach to the big circles to form berries.
  4. Cluster the berries in the center of the leafs.  
  5. Repeat for the other earring.
  6. Bake at 225 for 10 minutes. Let cool.
  7. Attach earring backs to the nightlock using E6000.

Arrow Necklace

  • Jute
  • Gold or Brown Polymer Clay
  • Toothpick
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  1. Make an arrow out of the polymer clay. Use the toothpick to make designs in the feather part of the arrow.
  2. Use the toothpick to put holes on both ends of the arrow.
  3. Bake at 225 for 10 minutes.  Let cool.
  4. Cut jute to a size the fits around your neck.  
  5. Attach the arrow to the jute.  Glue the knots to keep them from unraveling.
Although eating nightlock and getting hit by an arrow might be deadly, these accessories are right on target.

That is the end of my Hunger Games themed projects.  Until the next movie:  

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