Sunday, April 6, 2014

Spring Painting

"I love better to count time from spring to spring; it seems to me far more cheerful to reckon the year by blossoms than by blight." -Donald G. Mitchell

I had to switch out my winter painting a few weeks ago already for one more suited for spring.  However, I realized my tree painting was more suited for the summer than the spring.  So, the brushes came out and a cherry blossom moonlight picture came to be.  

I started by painting the background by making a large white circle and layering colors out from there.  I mixed a lot of fuchsia and purple with colors such as red, blue, white, and black.  I then used a grayish-brown to paint the branches, while adding darker brown and white highlights to the branches. Finally I mixed pink and purple colors to create the buds at the end of the branches. 

It is definitely more whimsical than realistic, but with this never-ending winter, I am okay with that. 

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