Friday, May 2, 2014

Comic Book Coin Purse

"Wise men say forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza." -Michelangelo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

As part of getting excited for free comic book day tomorrow, I made a comic book coin purse out of my comic books from last year.  

Scissors, Comic Books, Ruler, Felt, Large and Small Needle, Zipper, Felt, Embroidery Floss, Thread, Sewing Machine, Spray-on Modge Podge

1. Start by cutting 4 1/4 by 5 1/2 inch rectangles. Total of 60.

 2. Fold in half.

 3. Unfold and fold both sides in.

 4. Fold both sides in again.

 5. Fold back in half again.

6. Fold in half the other way.
 7. Fold both flaps in.

 8. Insert the flaps of one link through the flaps of another link. 

9. Once 20 links are hooked together, take the last link's ends out and tuck them into the first link. Add tape to hold in place if necessary. Make three chains total.

 10. Tie embroidery thread onto the bottom link.  Tie the thread to the large needle.
 11. Interweave the thread over and under through the links first through the back and then through the front.  Continue all the way around.  Do the same with the third chain.

 12.  Through the loops, thread over and under in an x shape in order to thread the bottom together.

13. Cut out a 7 1/4 by 6 1/4 inch piece of felt. 

14. Using the sewing machine sew the zipper onto the felt.   Measure to make sure the pouch fits into the comic book woven section.  Cut off excess felt.  Sew up the sides.
 14. Sew the pouch into the inside using thread and the small needle.  
15. Spray with spray modge podge to seal the pages. 

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