Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pebble Mat

"My life is full of mistakes.  They're like pebbles that make a good road." -Beatrice Wood

Back in October, I was visiting an art gallery/studio with a group of friends when we saw some pebble mats.  One of my friends really liked them, and when I told him I made a pebble mat a few years ago he recommended I post it on my blog.  I think a good story to go along with this would be stone soup.  (Then maybe you can serve soup to guests on the pebble mats!)  

This was a dollar store craft for me.  I got the pebbles and the mat from a dollar store, so if you have E6000 on hand this is a $2.00 craft!


  • Bag of pebbles
  • Tan or rock colored placemat
  • E6000
  1. Glue pebbles onto the mat in a single, tight layer using a generous amount of glue.
  2. Let the mat dry over night.
The rocks stay on pretty well, considering this pebble mat has moved a few times.  It looks good with plants, teapots, and almost anything on it.

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