Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fingernail Polish Pots

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." -Marcus Tullius Cicero

Patio gardening is my new pastime.  While looking for project ideas I came across a tutorial for fingernail polish pots over at Henry Happend.  Since I had a few pots I needed to decorate, I decided to give this a try.  

Of course, I learned a few things along the way:
  • Have the water be the same temperature as the outside is really important.  If it is too cold the nail polish will harder before it even gets on the pot. 
  • Make sure to scrub out your old pots before doing this.  Just rinsing doesn't work because some plants leave behind an oily residue that the nail polish won't stick to.  
  • Use four colors tops in the projects, otherwise it is too much.  
  • Remember you can get cheap nail polish at dollar stores!
I am thinking the book Small Space Container Gardens by Fern Richardson might just be what I need to read to get my patio into shape.  

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