Friday, December 5, 2014

Green Lantern Ornament

"Always winter but never Christmas." -C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

It's Friday!!  In celebration of making it through the long work week, I have an easy ornament to make.  You could choose to make the other lantern's and decorate your whole tree this way.

-Green Ornament
-White Paint
-Paint Brush

1. Paint the outline of a large white circle in the middle of the front of the ornament. 
2. In the center of circle draw an oval and fill it in.
3. Around the oval draw the outline of the lantern.
4. Fill in the outside of the lantern with white paint. Let dry.

Three materials and four steps?  This is an easy craft to wind down the work week.  

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