Sunday, December 7, 2014

Video Game Controller Plush Ornament

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly." -Andy Rooney

This was one of the very first ornaments I made for my Geeky Christmas tree.   It could have used some more work, but it does remind me of an old school Nintendo controller.  

  • Red, Black, and White Felt.
  • Needle and Thread
  • White and Pink Embroidery Floss
  • Scissors
  • Polyfiber
1. Cut out two large rectangles of white fabric. Cut out four small rectangles and two small squares with the white felt. 
2. Cut out a rectangle of black fabric slightly smaller than the white rectangle. 
3.  Cut out two tiny red circles to fit inside the small squares. 
4. Sew the small white rectangles onto the black felt in a line directly left of the middle.  Sew the two small circles onto the black fabric to the right of the rectangles and towards the bottom.
5. Sew the red dots onto of the white squares.
6. With the white floss embroider a small cross to the left of the middle rectangles.
7. With the pink floss embroider six small pink lines above the red buttons.
8. Sew the black rectangle onto one of the large white felt rectangles.
9. Sew the two white pieces together leaving a small opening on one end.
10. Stuff with polyfiber. Finish sewing together.
11. With the white embroidery floss create a small loop at the top of the ornament. 

Fun to give to any gamer in your life.  

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