Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cardboard Wallhanging

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're going to love it!" -Friends

Like many people that have Netflix, January has been binge watching of the show Friends.  It has been a lot of fun catching up on a show that was the background of my childhood. While watching I have been doing some crafting. This is an easy craft to work on while binging on Friends, or your favorite show. 

  • Cardboard
  • Toilet paper tubes
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Spray paint
  1. Cut cardboard pieces to create a frame.  Use hot glue to hold it in place.
  2. Fold the toilet paper tube in half. Cut to form petals.  Hot glue six petals together to form a flower. 
  3. Cut petals open to form extra strands and create leaves and swirls to connect the flowers.
  4. Glue the flowers and extras onto the frame.  
  5. Spray paint the color of choice. I used green spray paint, but gray, silver, and black are also good choices.
I suggest working on a flat surface and spray painting soon after.  I waited in between creating a spray painting and misshaped my wall hanging.

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