Monday, January 12, 2015


"My old grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt away like summer snows, but winter friends are friends forever." -George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

The weirwood trees, from Game of Thrones, are a reminder of all the old gods in the north.  Although it is kind of ugly, I would still take my Night's Watch vow in front of it.  (Of course, I would have to be a man to be in the Night's Watch).


  • Brown Bag
  • Scissors
  • Red Tissue Paper
  • Brown Construction Paper
  • Spanish Moss
  • Glue
  1. Cut slits into the paper bag, going from the open end towards the bottom of the bag, about 3/4th of the way. 
  2. Twist the paper to form branches, and twist one around to hold the branches in place.  Shape branches.
  3. Tear pieces of tissue paper to form leafs.  Glue them to the tree.  
  4. Cut out eyes, nose, and mouth from the brown paper.  Glue them to the tree.  
  5. Tear off some construction paper, roll up one side, and glue to eyes to form the blood tears.
  6. Glue Spanish moss to the bottom of the tree. Let dry.
You can make a forest of weirwoods or just one.  I will think of Ned Stark every time I look at it.

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