Monday, March 11, 2013

Soda Can Bird Houses

"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world." -Virgil Kraft

Day light savings reminds me that Spring is here or just around the corner.  The birds are starting to chirp which means it is time to start thinking about getting them homes.  I was inspired by a post I had found a while ago from Dollar Store Crafts. Dollar Store Crafts has lots of great craft ideas at very little costs.  I made mine a little differently, which might have been a little easier if not as neat looking. 

Bird House
Soda Cans
X-Acto Knife
Hot Glue Gun or E-6000
Puff Paint

1. Paint the perch of the bird house.
2. Cut out sections from the cans to match the bird house.
3. Glue the can pieces to the bird house.  Cover all sections.
4. I took puff paint and painted on and around the opening to the house.

Unfinished Bird House

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