Sunday, March 10, 2013

Favorite Post?

"Human tragedies: We all want to be extraordinary and we all just want to fit in.  Unfortunately, extraordinary people rarely fit in." -Sebastyne Young

A handful of people have asked me after seeing the blog to make them items that have been featured. It is good to know that people are enjoying the items I am making and want what is being made.  (J. I want to see your Art of Racing in the Rain mirror when you are done making it).  

The two crafts that have had the most buzz have been the Abraham Lincoln T-shirt and the Comic Book Earrings.  I have mailed out two Abe shirts thus far and a set of earrings. I have a request for some comic book cuff links for one of my friends. He wants Thor or Captain America's shield ones.  I think that can be arranged.  Here are the craft projects that have been shipped out to new homes.

Abe on green

Abe on blue

Iron Man and S.H.E.I.L.D. earrings

Let me know if you have a favorite post and/or share pictures of items you have made.

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