Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

"Janie works hard, of course, and she's a good wife and mother but do you know she's never once made a gingerbread house with her children?"  -Mildred Hastings

Every Thanksgiving my family has a gingerbread house competition.  My little cousins, brother, and I use graham crackers, frosting (or water with powder sugar), and tons of candy to create whole scenes.  So this weekend, when I made a gingerbread house at a friends Christmas party I was all ready. Gingerbread kits make this so much easier.  Do not forget to frost the gingerbread houses to the cardboard (the mistake my rookie friends made).  A solid foundation holds the house up. 

The little ones aren't quite as clean when they are making theirs, but then again they are too busy eating tons of candy.  

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