Sunday, December 15, 2013

R2D2 ornament

"Christmas is a time you get homesick- even when you're at home." -Carol Nelson

I had an R2D2 toy growing up, and every time you pressed one of his buttons he would make his beeping sounds.  It was something I found fun, but probably annoyed my parents and brother.  This R2D2 doesn't make sound, but he might make your other Christmas ornaments jealous.  


  • Christmas Bulb
  • White, Gray, Blue, and Red Paint
  • Black Puff Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  1. Paint bulb white. Let dry.
  2. Paint top half of bulb gray. Let dry.
  3. Add blue shapes to match R2D2 designs. Let dry.
  4. Add red dot using back of paint brush.
  5. Add black circle, and black bulls eye with puff paint.  Let dry.
R2D2 is now ready to be hung on your tree or given to your friend that loves Star Wars.  (You know the one).  

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