Saturday, January 4, 2014

Calendar Gift Bags

"Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem like an eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it."  -Michael Ende

I love the bright colors and glossy perfect photos that make up a calendar.  It is seeing the world for the very best.  I enjoy the fact that we get new ones then in January, to and hope to the new year as well as brighten up a rather dreary month.  I made this craft for the first time years ago with my mother's Crafty Lady group.  (This was a group of ladies that met about once a month to craft, drink, and talk about life).  I love the calendar pieces I chose for this bag.  The sayings just add to the overall function of being a gift bag.


  • Two Calendar Pages
  • Scissors
  • Glue Stick
  • Ribbon
  • Stapler

  1. Fold the top edge of the page down 1/2 inch and glue to itself.  Do to both calendar pages.
  2. Fold the other three edges on each side in an inch to three inches each (depending on how you want the size of your bag).  Do to both pages.
  3. On the creases from your folds at the bottom of the page, cut on the folds up to the fold on one page and cut on the folds over to the fold on the other page.  Glue corners down.
  4. Slip the two halves of the bag together in order to form the bag, and glue together.
  5. Cut out two pieces of ribbon for handles.
  6. Staple the edges of the ribbon to the bag. One ribbon on each side of the bag. (Colored staples would make this look really cool).
Viola!  Simple and easy.  If you do not like the look of the calendar on the inside of the bag, line the bag with computer paper before you put it together. 

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