Sunday, February 9, 2014

Book Journal

"Wicked people never have time for reading.  It's one of the reasons for their wickedness." -Lemony Snicket

Today is a great day: the Olympics are on, it is 50 years since The Beatles were on the Ed Sullivan show, and it is a year since I started this blog.  In celebration of having this blog up and running for a year, I am going to share my book journal that I keep my notes for book club in.  

  • Notebook
  • Various Colors of Sharpies
  • Filing Tabs
  • Label Printing Paper
  1. Decorate the cover of your notebook and add a title.
  2. Label tabs Think Notes (thoughts that come to you while reading the book), Meeting Dates (so you can plan ahead), and Wish List (books you would like to read for the future).
  3. Stick tabs in the notebook and label the tops of the pages.  Leave the most space for think notes.
  4. In the inside cover or first few pages make a bookshelf page to put books you read for book club. 
  5. Print out the covers of the books on label paper.
  6. Cut out, remove backing, and place on the 'bookshelf'.

You can see all the previous books that the book club has read.  Currently, as you can see, we are reading I am Malala.  I am over two thirds of the way through and am greatly enjoying myself.  

Also, want to share a book meme with you for the day:

Thank you for a great year of reading and crafting!

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