Monday, February 3, 2014

Book Page Table Runner

"I love books. I like that moment you open one and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that is way more interesting than yours will ever be." -Elizabeth Scott, Bloom

Again, I really dislike cutting up books.  Books are meant to be read, and when they are cut up you can't read them anymore.  So, when I cut up books they are outdated text books or outdated craft books.  For our book club meeting in January I made a table runner for my coffee table out of book pages.  Just a nerdy little table runner to enjoy.


  • Book Pages
  • Clear Tape
  • Designer Punch
  1. Tape enough book pages together to fit the size of your table. 
  2. Punch designs around the outside of the table runner.
It is a simple craft project, but adds to the 'bookish' look my apartment is starting to get.

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