Monday, February 10, 2014

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Paper Pencils

"You can't just sit there and put everyone's life in front of yours and think that counts as love.  You just can't.  You have to do things." -Stephan Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I recently read The Perks of Being a Wallflower (because I don't have to strictly stick to book club books). This book was an easy read, that was like reliving high school all over again.  Everyone had a moment where they felt awkward during high school, just hopefully not as many as Charlie did.  Since Charlie read books and wrote essay's on the books, I decided to make pencils out of 'pages' from the book.  (Really, I just printed off pages that I found online).


  • Paper with book pages printed on it
  • 2 mm writing lead (I ordered mine off of Amazon)
  • Scissors
  • Sponge Brush
  • Mod Podge
  • Un-sharpened Pencil
  • Pencil Sharpener
  1. Cut page down to size of lead.
  2. On back of page, brush with mod podge.
  3. Roll paper onto lead until the resulting size is the same as an un-sharpened pencil. Careful not to create bubbles in the paper, wrap tightly.
  4. Let dry for 24 hours or more.
  5. Sharpen the pencil like any other pencil.

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