Monday, October 28, 2013

Dryer Vent Pumpkin

Linus: "You don't believe the story of the Great Pumpkin?  I thought little girls always believed everything that was told to them.  I thought little girls were innocent and trusting."
Sally: "Welcome to the 20th century!"  -It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Dryer vent duct pumpkins are all over this season.  This could be because they are simple yet elegant.  A perfect craft for fall.  The great thing is, besides the spray paint and the dryer vent duct, everything was either on hand or bought from a dollar store.

  • Dryer Vent Duct
  • Orange Spray Paint
  • Brown Colored Incense Sticks
  • Spanish Moss
  • Green Material Leafs
  • Hot Glue Gun
  1. Cut dryer vent duct to size you want for your pumpkin.  Hot glue edges together to form pumpkin shape.
  2. Spray paint the dryer vent duct orange. (or white if that is the kind of pumpkin you want to make). Let dry.
  3. Cut incense sticks into size you want for the stem.  Use hot glue to glue them into the center of the pumpkin.
  4. Glue Spanish moss around the pumpkin stem.
  5. Tuck and glue a leaf on under some Spanish moss. 

If you are interested in reading a book about pumpkins, Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington goes through the life cycle of a pumpkin from seed, to Jack-o-Lantern, and finally back into seeds for next years pumpkins. This make me yearn for some pumpkin pie and pumpkin seeds.  

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