Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kingdom Hearts: Keyblade Earrings

Xemnas: "Denizens of light, answer this: why do you hate the darkness?"
Mickey Mouse: "Aw, we don't hate it. It's just kinda... scary. But the world's made of light AND darkness. You can't have one without the other, 'cause darkness is half of everything.  Sorta makes ya wonder why we are scared of the dark..." -Kingdom Hearts 2

A few weekends ago I got to meet up with one of my friends and her and my boyfriend kept talking about video games.  So, I wasn't too surprised after asking her what she wanted for earrings, that she said keyblade earrings from Kingdom Hearts. If you have read my previous posts about earring making this should be pretty easy to figure out how to do.  I used necklace chain to attach the Mickey Mouse ears to the body of the keyblade.  The colors of the clay used was gray (or silver if you have it), yellow, blue, and black.

Looking back I wish the key part would have turned out better, but this works as a starting point.  Besides, there are many keyblades left to make...

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