Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Spoonful of Literature....

"All of my problems are rather complicated- I need an entire novel to deal with them, not a short story or a movie.  It's like a personal therapy." - Manuel Puig

I find the books I find most enjoyable (just like movies and TV shows I enjoy the most) are ones that make me forget about my own problems and draw me into to world that is all its own.  These are the kind of books that take me someplace else as I read them.   Never ask me to do anything if I am engaged in what I am reading.  Many a times I have agreed to something, not realizing what I had done because I was still in that other world.  Every once in a while it is good to escape out own lives and explore these other worlds and characters.  Besides, a book is a lot cheaper than a therapist.  (Disclaimer: Mental Illness is a serious medical condition that affects approximately 22% of all Americans.  Please do seek out professional care!)

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