Saturday, February 23, 2013

Getting Ready To Read Across America

Read Across America Day is March 1st!  In preparation for this event, my crafting has been inspired by children's books.  

I-Spy books are very popular because they work on both reading skills and problem solving skills.  Also, they are just plain fun!  I-Spy tubes are becoming more popular where a person can look for items in a tube by rolling it around.  I created a real simple one that is fun and can entertain for hours (if your have the patience for it).


  • Plastic Soda Bottle
  • Odds and Ends from around the house
  • Rice
  • Hot Glue Gun with Glue Sticks
1. Put the Odd and Ends into the bottle, writing down what each one was if you want a list of items for people to search for.
2. Add rice into the bottle filling almost to the top.
3. Glue Soda Bottle cap onto the bottle.  Little hands like to unscrew lids and I can just imagine rice everywhere.

Simple, and leads to hours of searching.  The list of my items is listed in the picture below.  Just use whatever is laying around the house.  Buttons, pennies, noddles... whatever is on hand.  Have fun and keep on reading!

List of what is in the I-Spy tube

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