Friday, February 15, 2013

Give Your Books a Makeover: Book Planter

“I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges

Although I believe all books have a place in the world, some books need a make-over.  You know the ones I am talking about- encyclopedias that mention Pluto as a planet, dictionaries from the 1970’s, books that have water damage, and those craft books from the 1960’s (sorry, but that’s what craft blogs were invented for!).    Many crafts are out there for crafts with old books, but one of my favorites is turning an old book into a planter.  My brother is the environmental scientist in the family, but he firmly believes that houseplants help allergies and remove common pollutants from the air.  (Which also would be supported by a 1989 NASA survey).   Recycling, removing air pollutants, and crafting?  

·         Old book
·         X-ACTO Knife
·         Plastic Wrap
·         Planting Soil
·         Plants

1.       Find the center of your book.  Trace a circle or square (depending on how you want your planter to look) around that center point.
2.       Using the X-ACTO knife begging cutting on the line.  Might take a while to cut the hole for the planter.  Make sure to not cut through the bottom of the book, but cut far enough down that the plant root system will be able to fit. 
3.       Use plastic wrap to create a bowl type effect to prevent water from steeping into the book pages when watering the plant.
4.       Fill hole in with dirt.
5.       Plat your plant(s) and enjoy!

Clean air never looked so good!

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