Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ain't No Party Like a Harry Potter Party

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours [broom], Malfoy. Then it could catch the Snitch for you." - J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter

A whole generation grew up reading Harry Potter books and waiting for the movies to come out.  Harry Potter is still as magical the 5th or 6th time reading through the series.  Harry Potter Parties are so much fun because of the pure joy of the books and the wonder that is the wizarding world.  Recently I had a Harry Potter party with my book club and some other friends.  We had our own Honeydukes, the Owlery, and even an entrance to the Ministry of Magic.  Food included sandwiches (like Ron always brings along for the Hogwarts Express ride), mandrake cake (dirt cake with a dolls head with construction paper to look like a plant), pumpkin pasties, chips, and delicious butter beer. 

Now, what would a gathering of the book club be like without some crafting?  A. made us some adorable pygmy puffs.  (The blue one is Spike.  He likes to go swimming).  We each had the chance to make our own wands. The one in the picture is called The Rorschach Wand.  And then we needed to make a quiditch inspired center piece of quiditch posts.  

My favorite craft project though was the Golden Snitch.  Flying through my kitchen it was hard not to want to get a broom a play a game of quiditch.  

-Gold Christmas Ball Ornament
-Yellow Crafting Foam
-Hot Glue Gun
-Gold Paint
- Paint Brush

1. Cut out wings for the Snitch from the yellow crafting foam.  Match size to the size of the ornament.
2. Draw designs on the wings with a hot glue gun.
3. Once glue is dry paint the wings with the gold paint.  
4.  Paint designs with the gold paint on the ornament.  Swirls on both sides and a line down the middle will help create the same pattern that are on the Snitch.
5. Glue wings onto the ornament to finish the Snitch.

Add some games and trivia to your plans for your Harry Potter party and you are sure to have a great time!

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