Sunday, March 17, 2013

Beautiful Creatures Book Bracelet

"Mortals.  I envy you.  You think you can change things. Stop the universe.  Undo what was done long before you came along. You are such beautiful creatures." -Kami Garcia, Beautiful Creatures

So, this months book for book club was Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. When thinking about a craft to make to fit the book(s) I kept coming back to the idea of Lena's necklace. Lena's necklace was more than just part of her, but it represents all the important moments for her life.  Lena's version of a Facebook photo album  maybe.  Now, I love books and reading.  If I have a necklace like hers it would be full of the books I have read.  Now, I didn't find a way to make books look good on a necklace, but I did find a way to make a great charm bracelet.  

Charm bracelet (I found one on sale at Walmart for $3)
Polymer Clay 
Paper with the book covers printed on it
Laminating Paper
Eye Hooks
Something to create holes (I used pipe cleaners)

1. Cut out the book covers and laminate them.  Cut off excess lamination paper.
2. Mold the clay into books.  Start with the white clay for the book pages, and then wrap in flat pieces of colored polymer clay.  
3. If wanted create other items to match the parts of the book.  I made a heart and also tried to make a casting moon. 
4. Bake clay as directed.
5. Attach the books to the bracelet using the eye hooks.

All the pieces

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures

Book Club is being held this next weekend with all members present.  I am excited!  Time to discuss Lena and Ethan's worlds.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Soda Can Bird Houses

"Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world." -Virgil Kraft

Day light savings reminds me that Spring is here or just around the corner.  The birds are starting to chirp which means it is time to start thinking about getting them homes.  I was inspired by a post I had found a while ago from Dollar Store Crafts. Dollar Store Crafts has lots of great craft ideas at very little costs.  I made mine a little differently, which might have been a little easier if not as neat looking. 

Bird House
Soda Cans
X-Acto Knife
Hot Glue Gun or E-6000
Puff Paint

1. Paint the perch of the bird house.
2. Cut out sections from the cans to match the bird house.
3. Glue the can pieces to the bird house.  Cover all sections.
4. I took puff paint and painted on and around the opening to the house.

Unfinished Bird House

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Favorite Post?

"Human tragedies: We all want to be extraordinary and we all just want to fit in.  Unfortunately, extraordinary people rarely fit in." -Sebastyne Young

A handful of people have asked me after seeing the blog to make them items that have been featured. It is good to know that people are enjoying the items I am making and want what is being made.  (J. I want to see your Art of Racing in the Rain mirror when you are done making it).  

The two crafts that have had the most buzz have been the Abraham Lincoln T-shirt and the Comic Book Earrings.  I have mailed out two Abe shirts thus far and a set of earrings. I have a request for some comic book cuff links for one of my friends. He wants Thor or Captain America's shield ones.  I think that can be arranged.  Here are the craft projects that have been shipped out to new homes.

Abe on green

Abe on blue

Iron Man and S.H.E.I.L.D. earrings

Let me know if you have a favorite post and/or share pictures of items you have made.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Painting to The Beatles

"I'd like to end up sort of... unforgettable." -Ringo Starr

A few years ago I was talking to a friend about how I wanted a Beatles themed wedding but my boyfriend would not allow such a thing.  A guy that we both knew looked a me and said, "Break up for your boyfriend and marry me!".  The Beatles really are, well like Ringo wanted, unforgettable.  There music spans across generations, races, cultures, and styles.  Even people that dislike The Beatles, still have one song of theirs that they seem to enjoy.  For me, to say I enjoy The Beatles might be a little bit of an understatement.  (I have a Beatles themed guest room).  When I heard about painting coloring sheets over at Punk Projects, I knew I wanted to paint with The Beatles.  

The Boys
My Fav!

Coloring Pages (I went online and printed mine off Google Images)
Paint Brush

1. Paint in the sections with the colored paint being careful not to paint over the black lines (harder than it sounds).
2. Paint over the black sections with black paint.
3. Frame and enjoy

Painting that needs the black outlines yet.

Finished paintings (Nowhere Boy in the background)
I painted the pictures while listening to The Beatles and watching "Nowhere Boy" (a movie about John Lennon's teenage years).  The paintings do get a little warped, but I think frames will help with that.  My Beatles themed room will appreciated the new decor.   

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Use Your Words (or Magnetic Letters)

"A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous." -Ingrid Bergman

I have been getting a lot of magazines in the mail about planning for the next year and pre-ordering. I was looking for a great idea to use some of these magazines when I came across making magnetic letters.  This could also be done with whole words for magnetic poetry.  I decided to just make letters and made two sets of the alphabet.  Cute, fun, and can be used to spell out whatever one wants (as long as it doesn't involve more than two of the same letters!).

Yes, It should read "Rule" instead of "Rules"
  • Magazines
  • Magnetic Tape
  • Scissors
1. Cut out two of every letter in the alphabet.
2. Cut out magnetic strips that will fit the letter.
3. Attach the magnet to the back of the letter.

You can use these on the fridge, file cabinets, cookie sheets, or anything metal.  Have fun spelling!

Monday, March 4, 2013

150 Date Ideas Gift

"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." -The Beatles, The End

I don't have many shopping opportunities in the town I live in, so when I was shopping for my friend N's bridal shower I couldn't find anything on her registry!  Luckily a few weeks ago I cam across an idea on line where someone came up with date ideas for one of their friends weddings.  Now, of course, I couldn't find the original post, so I had to come up with my own version.

Date Night Jar

What I did was bought a kitchen jar with measuring spoon and wrote on the front with puffy paint.  It is not in this picture but I later drew a heart on the top of the jar lid and a heart on the handle of the spoon.  I wrote out 150 ideas on a word document and printed them off.  I numbered each idea, and made starter kits for 12 dates (1 for each month of the first year of married life).  I put things like candle sticks, a jar of pasta sauce, a deck of cards, ect in paper lunch bags and numbered each one with the corresponding number I gave it on the list.  Each date idea was cut apart from the list and put in the jar.  

Here are the 150 Date Ideas.  It took me about 4 hours to come up with the list, so enjoy!

 !. 1. Stay at home and watch a movie!  Cuddle up with each other and some movie snack
2. Have a bubble gum blowing contest!  Biggest bubbles, loudest pop, amount of face covered by gum, ect
3.  Make a home cooked meal. Light up some candles to set the mood.
4. Play a game of cards.  Bet dishes or other house hold chores
5.  Play with your food. Make a circus out of the animals.
6.Light some candles to make any night a little bit more romantic!
7.   Make your own fondue: Use a crock-pot or fondue pot and melt chocolate or cheese and dip away.  Here’s a chocolate fondue recipe:
8.  Make homemade pizzas together. Here’s a crust recipe to try out:
9. Fly Kites: Can find them in dollar aisles!
10. Try a new sport together: Curling teams near-by, Lacrosse, rugby
11.   Be a tourist in your own city: Take cheesy pictures, eat at the local restaurants, and visit the local attractions!
12.  Go rollerblading: Check thrift stores for cheap ones to buy or go to an in-door rink!
13.   Go to a thrift store: Each person gets $5 to spend! See who ends up with the best item(s)
14.   Have a picnic: If the weather hinders you, indoors picnic!
15.   Go see a play: can be high school, community, or a bigger production.  They are all fun!
16.   Stargazing: Pack a blanket, pillows, and food.  Print off some information about the constellations.
17.   Go to a park: Swing on the swings, play Frisbee, or go for a walk
18.   Check out a local museum. They usually don’t cost much, if anything, to get in!
19.   Have a “crazy dinner”. Each person gets $5 (or set amount) to spend on any item at the grocery store for dinner. Come home and prepare your meal!  You might get a very random meal!
20.   Make ice cream sundaes.  Head to the store to buy vanilla ice cream and your favorite toppings.  Relax and enjoy!
21.   Go to a local sporting event. Sports go on all year long! Grab some snacks and find a local game.
22.   Treasure Hunting: Head to the ATM and get out $10 -$20. Drive around to yard sales and see what you end up with.
23.   Have a living room camp out.  Make a tent out of blankets, watch a movie and sleep out on an air mattress.
24.   Go for a swim. Head to a local pool and relax in the pool and hot tub!
25.   Have a coupon date. Only eat or do activities you have coupons for.  Groupon is a good site to start looking for ideas.
26.   Go to a local fair or carnival. Be sure to bring some cash to play some games!
27.   Take a free factory tour. You would be surprised what factories are around!
28.   Visit the zoo.  Animals are always adorable!
29.   Have a movie marathon.  Back to the Future trilogy, Lord of the Rings movies, Stars WARS!
30.   Video Game Night: good night for pizzas and soda-pop!
31.   Go Bowling:  Try different styles like opposite hand, granny style, eyes closed, ect.
32.   Make indoor s’mores and read campfire stories. 
33.   TV show marathon.  Pick a TV show and get a whole season’s worth of DVDs (or use Netflix, the first month is free)
34.   Theme night. Pick a theme for the night and center around it. For example, Mexican night complete with Mexican food and Salsa Dancing! Here’s a Chili’s queso recipe:
35.   Try a new restaurant. Somewhere neither of the two of you have been.
36.   Take some lessons.  Try taking a lesson for a couples dance, pottery or cooking class.
37.   Restaurant hop. Go to a different restaurant for each course of the meal. Make three stops for an appetizer, main course, and a dessert.  Take turns picking where to go!
38.   Have a spa night. Massages, bubble baths, ect.  White towels and robes help make it official.
39.   20 questions.  Write a list of 20 questions to ask each other.  Go over answers afterwards.  Here’s a list for married couples.
40.   Make a breakfast together and eat it in bed!
41.   Go for a test drive.  Head to your nearest car dealer and test drive your dream car!
42.   Breakin’ records. Read through the Guinness Book of World Records together, and find something the two of you could achieve as a couple and try it.
43.   Visit a bakery. Go to a local bakery and pick out a treat for each other.
44.   Write a bucket list. Make a list of things you want to do before you die and go do one to cross it off the list!
45.   House hunting. Tour some homes and plan out your dream home!
46.   Restaurant at home. Find recipes from some of your favorite restaurants online, create a menu and have a lovely meal at home! Here’s an example:
47.   Share your favorite YouTube videos with each other or find new ones!
48.   Go to the arcade. Get some quarters and head to your nearest arcade! Play some games and buy prizes with the tickets you win.
49.   Have a dance party in your living room and dance to your favorite songs from high school.
50.   Crack open a bottle of wine and eat some cheese, crackers, and grapes.
51.   Watch the sunset together. If you can sit on the roof to watch it give it a try!
52.   Get dressed in your most formal clothes to eat dinner or go out to the coffee shop.
53.   Sit on the sidewalk bench and people watch, making up fake names and stories about the people you see
54.   Play good old fashioned board games. Winner gets bragging rights!
55.   Go on a hike!
56.   Go to the travel section at the library and plan your dream vacation!
57.   Go to the farmers market and buy a new fruit you’ve never tried.
58.   Carry along a loaf of old bread and feed the ducks at the lake.
59.   Go to a new restaurant and split a decadent dessert.
60.   Cuddle on the couch and reminisce about “remember when”, telling your favorite stories of when you first started dating.
61.   Go to a garden and hold hands while you stroll.
62.   Hang up Christmas lights (outside or inside)and eat some chocolate treats under them.
63.   Bake a dessert to share!
66.   Look through high school yearbooks and reminisce.
68.   Play some madlibs.
69.   Try to paint portraits of each other. 
70.   Make paper airplanes.  See whose can do more loops, fly the furthest, ect.
71.   Make some homemade ice cream.
72.   Watch old home movies.  Enjoy them, Laugh at them, enjoy!
73.   Write out all the birthday cards you need to send for the year while watching one of your favorite movies!
74.   Listen to old music playlists.
75.   Deliver homemade cupcakes to friends that live near you that you haven’t seen in a while.
76.   See if there are any drive ins around you and go eat in your car or watch a movie in the car!
77.   Go to a comedy club.  Laughter is the best medicine and makes a fun date!
78.   Go to the racetrack.  Bring earplugs for auto-racing! They can be loud!
79.   Visit a nearby landmark.  Or go on a mini-road trip and stop at all the landmarks and parks along the way.
80.   Go to a roller derby! 
81.   Play with legos, erector sets or k’nex.
82.   Play laser tag!  Ice cream afterwards.  Loser buys!
83.   Go to a concert.  Check out free ones that might be playing at local coffee shops!
84.   Play Croquet.  Look for cheap sets at thrift stores or make your own:
85.   Go sledding!  Stop for hot chocolate afterwards or make some at home.
86.   Walk around a beautiful building!
87.   Visit a nearby, quaint little town.
88.   Have a lakeside dinner
89.   Rent a paddle boat on a small pond or lake.
90.   Go to the local rest home and visit.  Find a couple and ask them what has made their relationship work.
91.   Go to a shooting or archery range. 
92.   Build and fly a model rocket.
93.   Build and shoot and potato gun or a marshmallow gun!
94.   Go paint balling! Go with a group for much more fun!
95.   Go cliff jumping.
96.   Raft or tube down a river.  Bring along some drinks in a floating cooler!
97.   Go camping, if not overnight, then at least to a bonfire!
98.   Buy all the ingredients for a new dish, then make it together at home.
99.   Go for a stroll along the beach
100.Have a water gun, leaf pile, or snowball fight.
101. Give each other a massage or back rub.
102. Re-live your first date! Get dressed up and visit the same place (or equivalent) and get to know each other all over again.
103. Enjoy a coffee (or hot beverage) together at the local coffee shop. Sit back, relax, and just catch up on each other’s day.
104. Go for a bike ride together.
105. Share a milkshake.  Two straws.
106. Visit a karaoke bar and sing a duet.
108. Tri-atholon. Challenge each other to three activities that you each enjoy.  Examples include: fooseball, pac-man, and pizza eating
109. Have drunch.  That is brunch for dinner.
110. Go back to school.  See what events are being held at the local colleges and are open to the public.  You could see some really cool speakers!
111. Go bird watching.  Some local parks have tours or just go in your own back yard!
112. Document the night.  Take photos of the evening and print out your favorite one to frame!
113. Take a trendy workout class.  Single classes can be as cheap as $5 a class!
114. Hit up a wine tasting.  Try local vineyards first!
115. Hit a matinee.  Less crowded and cheaper! How could you go wrong?
116. Sign up for a dirt or color run!
117. Go to a dinner party, or host one yourself!
118. Get caught in the rain.  Splash in some puddles!
119. Take a mystery trip.  Throw a dart at a map.  Wherever the dart lands go visit and check out the local cuisine and activities.
120. Match the movie to your cuisine.  Like Kung-Foo Movie and Chinese food.
121. Laugh like a kid again at the latest G or PG rated movie.
122. Go see a Fortune Teller.  Go in separately or together!
123. Create your own private black out.  No electricity and candle light!
124. Meet for a midnight snack.  Popcorn or something sweet!
125. Feed each other.  Fruits like pineapple and strawberries are good choices.
126. Mystery night date.  One person does all the planning and tells the other person where to meet them by text that day.  Rock-paper-scissors on who has to do the planning.
127. Spend the day at a weird and wild festival.  Check out to find some really wild ones.
128. Pull an all-nighter and check into a hotel.  Everything’s more magical at a hotel.
129. Hit a local dive bar.  Play some pool and darts while you are there.
130. Play some mini-golf.  Bet on who wins. 
131. Go to an amusement park.  Check out
132. Check out your local music megastore.  See what awesome music you can find for deals and listen to a new CD.
133. Watch the wedding video or go over the pictures!
138. Plan a scavenger hunt date.  Give person clues to find out where the date is located.  Example at
143. Play real life angry birds.
149. Go to a corn maze, build a snow man, or plant some flowers!
150.  Print of some coloring pages from online and have a coloring contest.  Tickling does not count as cheating!

The Date Ideas!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bachelorette Party Painting

"Party hard, make mistakes, laugh endlessly.  Do things you are afraid to do.  After all, you are only young once." -Author Unknown

Last night was by friend, N's, bachelorette party! N. lived with me in college so it was nice to see her and catch up.  Her maid-of-honor found this really cool painting bar for us to go to where they walk through step by step to make a painting or they have mini-paintings where you get a little canvas and can paint whatever you want.  Now, I am not much of a painter, as I haven't probably painted this way since elementary school, so I was a little nervous about painting.  They really do walk you through the process and come around to you at each step of the way to make sure you go home with a painting you like.  (Though, I do know there is lots of room for improvement on my painting).  It was fun, relaxing, and pretty easy to follow along.  I even managed to not get paint on my dress clothes.  Yay for smocks!  

Here's the website so you can check it out:

I would recommend it, even if (like me) you are not a painter!   The cool thing was how every single painting in the place was different, even though we were all working off the same idea.  

I know, not related to books at all.  However you could pick to go to a night that matched a story you were reading.  

Here are some pictures from the process:

Barely Started

Our Branches

Final Touch-Ups

Finished Project

Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!"-Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Happy Birthday to a person who has inspired me to treat everyone with respect, be kind to nature, use my imagination, believe in myself,  and to think for myself.  Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!  I honestly didn't read a lot of Dr. Seuss as a child, but grew to like him more and read more of his stories as I got into middle and high school.  Today, I can appreciate him for how his stories are written to get kids to read and enjoy reading.  Also, the messages are good too!  

For Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss's Birthday I wanted to make something for my office at work.  I found a cool wreath at Etsy and changed it to meet my needs.

Completed Wreath

  • Wreath 
  • Plastic Shopping Bags
  • Yellow, Red, Blue, and Green Felt
  • Black Fabric Puff Paint
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Blue Spray Paints
  • Polyfill Fiber Stuffing
  • Scissors
Wreath Before It was Spray Painted

1. Cut up about 10 plastic shopping bags that you have laying around the house into 1 inch wide strips the length of the plastic bag.
2. Tie these strips all around the wreath double knotting the tie. Trim to height you want the wreath to be.
3. Spray paint the wreath blue. Let dry.
4. Cut fish out from the felt pieces.  I free hand cut my fish out and didn't make patterns, but you can use the fish from the cover of the book as an example. I folded the felt in half as I cut so I got a front a back for the fish.
5. Hot glue the fish together leaving an opening for the stuffing. (I was lazy and used hot glue, but sewing would have been better).
6. Stuff the fish so they have a 3-D look to them and close off the fish.
7. Paint the words, "One", "Two", "Red", and "Blue" onto the corresponding fish.  Add eyes or other facial features as desired.
8. Hot glue fish onto wreath.
9. Hang the wreath and enjoy a Dr. Seuss book!

Fish Examples